5 Steps To Remove Taboola Feed From Samsung Mobile Phone [2024]

How to Remove Taboola Feed From Samsung Mobile Phone

Taboola is a popular content discovery platform that functions as a broad advertising network for advertisers and publishers. This post shows you how to remove Taboola feed from your Samsung phone or any Android phone at all just in a few easy steps.

Nonetheless, the steps outlined in this post, is either going to help you achieve what you need or not. Note, you may want to assess your phone settings to do away with taboola feed or news.

Introduction to Taboola and it’s function

Adam Singolda established the company in 2007, having New York City as its Head Office. Taboola works in more than 50 countries and reaches approximately 1 billion people in a month..

Taboola’s technology underscores the interests of every user and provides them the needed content.

  • It ensures users find not just interesting but new content all around the internet
  • Aids users identify new content that probably they wouldn’t have found
  • Identify new and interesting content from diverse sources
  • Identify new content to watch, listen to, or read.
  • Come across new videos, articles or perhaps blogs that they may not have gotten

How To Remove Taboola Feed From Samsung Phone?

  • Open the Samsung phone’s Settings app
  • Tap on the “Accounts and Sync”
  • Find the “Taboola” entry in the list of accounts and tap on it
  • Tap on the “Remove Account” button
  • Confirm to remove the account

Get Rid of Taboola News From Android Phone

  • To remove Taboola feed or news from your android phone, go to the Taboola app and tap on the three dots at the top right corner. Press on ‘Settings’, locate ‘Remove Account’ and click on it.
  • Make sure that you are sure you want to delete your account by clicking ‘Okay, remove my account’

Stop Seeing Taboola Feed On Your Mobile Phone

  • However, if you are an iPhone user, you should rather open the Settings app and scroll to the Safari icon. Tap on Content Blockers and then slide the switch near “Block All Tracking” to the right.
  • This will limit the tracking of Taboola through all the website Safari. Android phone users can download a browser extension like the AdBlock Plus or uBlock Origin to block Taboola’s tracking.

How Does Taboola Work?

Taboola platform certified content that uses machine learning algorithms to recommend videos, articles and user  specific questions.

When a user assesses a website that has incorporated Taboola, the platform auto scrutinizes the user’s interests and browsing history to relate their choices. With this information, Taboola will state the content that may interest the user.

When a user taps on either of the recommended items, Taboola pays a fee to the publisher of the content. The fee represents solely a percentage of the advertising revenue generated by the content.

Taboola aids publishers to up more engagement with their website and drive more traffic to their content by using machine algorithm to personalize the recommended content.

The Benefits of Taboola Feed

The main benefits of using Taboola Feed include:

  • Developing one more source of income for publishers from branded and sponsored materials
  • Multiple suggestions to readers referring to their areas of interest and retaining this kind of activity.
  • The expansion of their advertising department by these publishers has the real impact on the ability of the advertisers to advertise their content.

Nevertheless, Taboola and similar content distribution platforms also face criticism around clickbait headlines or individual privacy violations and the quality of sponsored content. The benefits would vary from a specific side and tends to be the matter of the perspectives of the publishers, advertisers or the readers.

Why You Might Want To Remove Taboola?

Sure, a few reasons exit, why it’s necessary to rip off Taboola from your app or website:-

  • Once you notice that users are not engaging with the suggested content or the platform causes users to exit your app or website, you should take it off immediately.
  • Once you start receiving negative complaints from users on content recommend by Taboola, or complaints about the platform, you can take it off, and work on the overall end user experience.
  • you can decide to remove Taboola feed in order to comply with certain standards or regulations if your niche is within a regulated industry, e.g. healthcare or finance.
  • you may want to remove the platform in order to save money. You may decide to take off Taboola if the fees charged by Taboola does not justify the benefits it gives and save more money.

Nonetheless, the decision to take off Taboola from your app or website will depend solely on objectives and circumstances. You may want to consult with a digital marketing expert or consider testing the platform to see if it provides value to your business. You can always consider examining the platform to see if it gives value to your business or consider consulting a digital marketing expert if you are not sure you want to take off Taboola.

The Disadvantages of Having a Taboola Feed

Here are some potential disadvantages of having a Taboola feed on a website:

  • Taboola is a platform to show up as a part of sponsored content that is recommended for the audience. Some people discover these recommendations annoying or invasive when they are trying to engage with the article per se.
  • As the Taboola stream may have some irrelevant or poor quality articles, the recommendation may in some cases not correspond to the user interests or expectations. It happens that they aspire to get clicks rather than provide users with useful facts.
  • Having a Taboola feed may inflict a bad influence on user experience and website’s reputation if users are served annoying or low quality ads. Their negative ads might be considered as unpopular by the site hosting them.
  • There could be the loss of direct contact between the human and the user and this could lead to the loss of control over the user journey. Taboola aims to hold users within their content recommendation network by directing the traffic for content consumption to the company’s site or a specific website rather than your website content.

We hope you have find this article helpful, keep visiting for more helpful tutorials!

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