SEO is a very important topic, and one that I think many people are either ignorant of or are afraid to tackle. In this series I will be showing you what SEO copywriting is, why it matters, and how to write.
I have written a lot of content on the subject over the years, but I’ve never shown you how to write SEO copy. This is the first time in a long time that I’m sharing all my secrets for writing great copy, and it’s about time.
You see, we all want to rank in Google because Google loves it when we do so. But writing good content is not enough. You need to know how to write great content so that you can rank in Google.
The reason you need great content:
Online businesses are only as good as their rankings on Google (and Bing too). If your site has poor rankings or if your site gets penalized for certain keywords (or even if there isn’t any kind of penalty at all), then your business will struggle to get visibility and customers will not come looking for your products or services because they don’t know where they can find them.
We all know link building is an important part of SEO strategy; we also know that ranking highly on search engines is critical if we want our business to grow organically (without paying big bucks).
However, this doesn’t mean that everything needs to be link building every day.
The way you write great content and communicate with users must be based on what they actually care about – which includes some form of organic search engine optimization (SEO) strategy as well as link building efforts… but most importantly, you need to increase organic website traffic from people who care enough about your product or service (and who care enough about you!).
What is SEO copywriting?
SEO copywriting is a must for anyone who wants to rank in Google. it is the process of creating, editing and optimizing content for search engine optimization. It is a very specialized field of writing, but we’re going to show you how to write SEO-friendly content in this post.
We’ll start with the basics, then go through the advanced aspects of SEO copywriting. I hope you’ll find this useful for your SEO writing as well as your general marketing, website promotion and social media work!
The secret to SEO copywriting success
- Formatting
- Markdown
Lets talk about these briefly:
There are two types of formatting you can use when writing content for search engines: HTML and Markdown. The important thing is that both formats have their pros & cons. They do have their own pros & cons, but the format choice depends on the content you are writing.
The advantage of both is that you don’t have to worry about understanding the markup when writing it, as it is done automatically for you (using a program like Google’s Page Speed).
Markdown is a markup language that allows you to write your content in a way that makes your writing readable and easy to cross-reference later, which should be very useful in building search engine profiles (especially if you are targeting people who don’t know what CSS means).
You may want your content to be formatted using HTML so that it can be displayed using a browser such as Safari or Google Chrome; however, if your goal is only to rank in search engines, this isn’t going to work very well because almost all browsers use HTML 5 (which will not work with older versions of browsers) unless you manually update them all at once.
What does work well? Markdown! If you style your text using CSS then this format will be much easier for humans to read and as long as no complex programming code needs doing, will be much easier for machines too!
For more detail on this see this article : Why CSS cannot define markup (though I would recommend reading through it anyway). Having said that though, having said that I would still recommend using HTML if at all possible because not everything works with it and there can be many reasons why things don’t work out. Automating it at some point though might be helpful!
As far as formatting goes, there are different styles available depending on what kind of content you are writing: HTML vs Markdown vs plain text vs images vs video etc etc etc (I could go on endlessly about syntax here).
However, I think for most people who are just starting out with copywriting they should stick with a combination of HTML and Markdown or plain text depending on their needs; i.e., newspaper, magazine, blog etc.
How to format SEO content for ranking in Google?
I’m often asked how to format my SEO content. In this post (which you should read in its entirety), I’m going to show you what I think is the best way to write SEO content and rank well in Google.

OK, so let me start by saying that there are a lot of ways to write great SEO content. There are lots of different strategies and approaches that you can use to get your content noticed online, and this post is just one of those strategies.
And there are lots of different ways to do it, too – some more popular than others, but all with their pros and cons.
However, for the most part, there is only one method that works consistently for everyone:-
The method I use and recommend here will work for 99% of websites out there; but it won’t work for every single website out there. It simply isn’t possible for me or anyone else (or even Google) to explain why it works or why it doesn’t work.
We just don’t know enough about how a site’s visitors interact with Google’s algorithm to be able to do so.
- What works?
- What doesn’t?
- What works where?
The answer is: we don’t know enough yet! And that’s because Google hasn’t figured out a way yet (or has been seriously working on a way) to figure out which sites are relevant enough at any given moment in time (which makes sense: they want their algorithm driven by data).
So all we can do is write good SEO content that people actually read – while still not beating our head against the wall trying to figure everything out from scratch every time we need help with something like HTML formatting or conversion rates.
When it comes down to it, the most pressing concern when writing SEO copy – whether you want your copywriting style or not – is always going to be: “where and how will the reader find my content?“
When someone clicks on an ad on your site, they’re clicking on your ads, right? Well no – they’re clicking on a link within your content; they’re looking at the information contained within your text.
People are typing into something called a search box at Yahoo!, MSN Bing!, MSN Bing! or whatever other search engine they use; then when they click on whatever ad gets them there (which happens 10% of the time), then that
Tips for writing SEO-friendly content
Here are some tips that can help you write better SEO-friendly content, and help you get more links back to your site.
I’ve been a long-time Google Analytics user, but I’ve stopped now because I believe it doesn’t do much good anymore compared to other tools (such as SEO Tools). It’s a bit annoying that the internet keeps on changing and sometimes my tool of choice just isn’t available anymore.
The truth is that the people who create the stuff we see on Google don’t know what they are talking about.
They just have one way to make money: by paying for services which generally end up costing them real money.
To improve your rankings in Google, you need to write quality content. It is true that if you use keyword research tools, then most of your potential customers may not be interested in reading your articles.
You need to know how to write content which is highly relevant and useful for customers looking for information about your product or servics.
That being said, there is no one-size fits all approach here. There are many things which will make a piece of content more search engine friendly:
- Inappropriate words
- Poorly written sentences
Inappropriate words:
Use keywords more cautiously than usual when adding them to your articles; avoid such words as “free” and “no risk; “try; “learn; “pay; “get; “work with me!” etc . . . . Avoid these words altogether when writing about them because they make people think you don’t know what you’re talking about or aren’t serious about the topic of your article (and as a result aren’t going to take any action).
Poorly written sentences:
Writing quality information online is the best thing because a very well written sentence can be instantly re-written from it without any additional effort on the writer’s part.
If this seems like a big deal but isn’t at all surprising considering how many different approaches we have at our disposal today it’s important to understand where this comes from and what makes this different from other online marketing techniques.
There are two main sources of poor writing in online marketing today:
- lazy writers who never bother rewriting their own sentences
- lazy copywriters who want their work done fast without thinking too much ahead while writing which results in sloppy work
SEO copywriting is a complex subject. It’s no wonder I have so many articles on it. This one is about SEO copywriting for beginners, and how to write SEO-friendly content.
For the most part, you can write SEO-friendly content that ranks well in Google. Unfortunately not everyone knows this, and they don’t know the difference between good SEO and bad SEO. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on writing good SEO-friendly content. If you do, then you will have more success with your rankings and your business overall.